Dec 20, 2023Liked by Shannon

Indeed, noolding or fine art the artist’s dilemma. Your ink on paper is so rich with color and texture., easy to fall in love with. I think all of us artists struggle with this. A trumpet player might have the perfect riff, but lacks the context of the whole melody. A poet may have five perfect words but still doesn’t have the whole poem. So I guess that is where we find ourselves, trying to live in patients and presence. Knowing that the finished piece is just waiting for us to set it free.. Tom T

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Hi Tom what a great comment, thank you. I'm still not sure where these ink pieces are going but they still have something that attracts me.. I've been experimenting with cutting them down into little 5x7 or 8x8 compositions.

It's so funny you mention a trumpet player because I have been planning a post about style and substance that is a little based on Louis Armstrong. Isn't that crazy lol.

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